Wednesday, January 06, 2010

OnTrack Magazine - Ontario Track 3

from the editor
Here it is! Read or Download the entire magazine

Behold the Preview Edition of the new Ontario Track 3 newsletter,“OnTrack”. This colour magazine format is a transformation from the original black and white information bulletin. If branding really makes a difference then the new OnTrack magazine is a symbol of how Ontario Track 3 transforms the lives of children with disabilities.

In the past, the OnTrack newsletter was the communication tool dedicated to members of Ontario Track 3 including students, volunteers and donors. This bold move to the new magazine format is part of our plans to extend our communication reach to the entire alpine sport community.

As we move toward the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, it is uplifting to see that adaptive sport and the Paralympic Games have captured the attention and hearts of people across Canada and the rest of the world. It’s obvious that people get it. The popularity of the Paralympics is a testament to societal awareness giving us the inspiration and confidence to launch a magazine that blends content spanning alpine sport, adaptive sport and Track 3 news.

Except for the ink and paper, this entire magazine is created by volunteers. Writers, researchers, photographers, graphic designers and advertising sales are all the result of the benevolent, caring and talented people who share the common goal of making a difference in the life of a child with special needs. Don’t be shy! If you want to contribute your efforts to OnTrack, contact Ontario Track 3 soon. We will only produce three editions per season, so the time to volunteer is now!

Each issue will offer tips from celebrity ski pro Steve Young, ski resort profiles, snow destination reviews, alpine equipment features as well as stories about skiers, snowboarders, volunteers and others. Our goal is to produce a communication product that raises the awareness of Ontario Track 3, to inspire new volunteers to get involved and to attract corporate sponsorship. Corporate advertising opportunities are available (nudge, nudge, hint, hint).

We plan to engage even more people in the creation of OnTrack magazine. The more contributors, the better it will be. Send in your photos, write letters to the editor, tell us what you think, suggest a story or contribute content. OnTrack is a communal effort. You are not just a reader; you are a member of the Ontario Track 3 community.

While a six-inch curb might be an obstacle for some people, Track 3 helps turn entire mountains into opportunities for excitement and accomplishment. This winter, Ontario Track 3 will help hundreds of children with disabilities experience this freedom. This Preview Edition, a shortened version of OnTrack, is a sample of great things to come. With your support, greatness has no limits.

Thanks and enjoy!
Steve Jones
President, The People Bank
OnTrack Editor

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